Strength in Online Spending Continues – MaybeMoney

Strength in Online Spending Continues

Strength in Online Spending Continues

ComScore announced on Sunday that despite usually being a lull in U.S holiday shopping, early December has shown strong online spending this year, breaking the trend. The first week of December witnessed consumers spending about $5.9 billion online, an uplift of 15% compared to the previous year. Noting the significant contribution of events like Cyber Monday and Black Friday to the online sales, which garnered a record $1.2 billion and robust sales respectively.

The initial high sales raised worry of a potential drop in early December, but this anxiety proved wrong. Instead of a slack off, the latest statistics suggest that the holiday shopping period could conclude powerfully.

The coming week is typically the busiest for online sellers. For context, eBay coined the term Green Monday in 2007 to signify the Monday of the second week of December, often recognized as one of the hectic online shopping days. For six consecutive years, Green Monday has been among the peak spending days during the holiday season.