Sunken Treasures Valued at $17 Billion Discovered – MaybeMoney

Sunken Treasures Valued at $17 Billion Discovered

Sunken Treasures Valued at $17 Billion Discovered

The wreckage of the Galleon San Jose, often dubbed the ‘Holy Grail of Shipwrecks’, has been discovered in Colombia. President Juan Manuel Santos announced that the Spanish galleon San Jose, which sunk over three centuries ago, was found near the Caribbean port city of Cartegena. Interestingly, the ship was filled with a treasure of gold, silver, precious stones, and valuable jewelry believed to be worth around $17 billion. During a press conference on Saturday, Santos revealed plans to build a museum where the recovered artifacts would be displayed. So far, sonar images have uncovered cannons, arms, pottery, and other historical objects, as per a Reuters report.


Image credit: pattyjansen