The 401(k) Cap Will Remain Unchanged for 2016 – MaybeMoney

The 401(k) Cap Will Remain Unchanged for 2016

The 401(k) Cap Will Remain Unchanged for 2016

The contribution limit for 401(k) accounts is reassessed annually, and occasionally it’s adjusted upward for the ensuing year. However, the yearly cap on 401(k) contributions for 2016 will remain at $18,000, as it was in the previous year. Such limits are subject to periodical review and potential increments. Despite a $500 augmentation the previous year, a period of low inflation ensures the limit will not be enhanced next year, as per the Wednesday announcement by the IRS. Similar to the 401(k), other tax-deferred retirement accounts like the 403(b), most 457 accounts, and the Federal Government’s Thrift Savings Plan will also maintain an $18,000 cap on contributions. You can discover more on CNN Money. Credit for the accompanying photo goes to Luxstorm, and sourced from