The Actual Duration of a Full-Time Work Week – MaybeMoney

The Actual Duration of a Full-Time Work Week

The Actual Duration of a Full-Time Work Week

The era of sticking to a 40-hour work-week has become a thing of the past. When you sign up for a full-time role, the basic expectation is that you will be working for at least 40 hours each week. This expectation, particularly for salaried employees who aren’t eligible for overtime, is usually exceeded to ensure the successful completion of assignments or projects.

But what’s the real weekly work duration for full-time employees in the U.S.? A Gallup survey conducted last summer found the average weekly work duration is around 47 hours or 46 hours if we consider only employees with a single job. This practically adds up to an extra workday beyond the usual 5-day work-week.

In the survey of more than 1,200 adults, 21% reported working between 50 to 59 hours, while 18% said they clocked in 60 hours or more. Another 11% estimated their work week to be between 41 and 49 hours.

For more insights on the shift from the traditional 40-hour work week, you can find additional information on CNN Money.

The photo is provided courtesy of Silverio Petruzzellis.
