The Advantages and Disadvantages of “Extreme Couponing” – MaybeMoney

The Advantages and Disadvantages of “Extreme Couponing”

The Advantages and Disadvantages of

You may already be familiar with the popular TV program Extreme Couponing. If not, the gist of it is this: it showcases individuals and families who drastically reduce their substantial grocery budget by more than half using coupons. While it sounds like an effective method to cut down on food spending, these extreme couponers take it up a notch.

Featured participants on Extreme Couponing invest several hours each week perusing newspapers and advertisements for lucrative deals and freebies. They sometimes even resort to scavenging in dumpsters to secure additional coupon leaflets. Then, they devise strategies to stack these coupons or align them with ongoing sales to ensure they pay the lowest possible price for goods.

While I am all for saving money, one can’t help but question if the effort invested in couponing is genuinely worthwhile. Does it make sense to dedicate numerous hours each week to the meticulous task of clipping coupons, or is foregoing this time-consuming practice more advisable? Let’s delve into the benefits and drawbacks of extreme couponing.


Undoubtedly, the most alluring aspect of extreme couponing is the substantial savings it allows. By leveraging coupons, you stand to purchase items you frequently use at significantly lower prices than usual. Moreover, the strategic coupling of coupons can drastically reduce your grocery bill. These savings are particularly handy if you have ample time or if you need to manage expenses, especially if you have a large family that necessitates more substantial purchases of certain items.

Often, the coupons you come across facilitate the purchase of multiple items or groceries. If there are specific groceries that you frequently buy, it makes sense to stockpile them using coupons. This is a fundamental advantage of couponing—it enables extensive discounts for bulk purchases of your favorite items, ensuring you are always prepared.

Besides the monetary savings, coupons can also enhance your shopping abilities. Many shoppers enter a grocery store and routinely wander aimlessly. Even with a shopping list, it’s easy to be sidetracked and add unneeded items to your cart. However, coupons prompt mindful shopping, as they apply to specific items and brands. This discipline can save you money and potentially hasten your shopping endeavors.


While clipping an occasional coupon poses no significant time constraints, being determined to economize requires considerable time investment. Extreme couponers often spend longer hours each week browsing through newspapers, ad segments, and online platforms than at their employment. Plus, ample time must be devoted to organizing and determining the most efficient use of collected coupons. If couponing isn’t your primary occupation, you might want to reassess if the time spent warrants the modest savings at the grocery store.

If you’re single or have a small family, you might end up discarding a lot of food. Typically, extreme couponing encourages bulk buying—for instance, procuring twenty bottles of ketchup. Unquestionably, you don’t require twenty ketchup bottles, and probably won’t consume them all before they expire. If such wastage occurs, any initial savings are negated, rendering the time spent gathering those coupons futile.

Examining the coupon section of your newspaper may reveal a disturbing trend—most discounted grocery items aren’t particularly healthy. Rarely do you encounter coupons for fresh produce, but instead find offers on processed foods like chips and biscuits. If you’re intent on a healthier diet, spending hours clipping coupons may not be in your best interest.

While extreme couponing can be advantageous for some, most people might find the additional effort and time not worth it. It’s possible to employ a few coupons without resorting to intense couponing measures. Ultimately, it falls upon you to consider the pros and cons to determine what suits you best: whether extreme couponing will waste time or save substantial money.

Have you ventured into extreme couponing? Have you unearthed its benefits, or have the disadvantages outweighed the benefits for you and your family?