The CEO of Discovery Channel Emerges as the Highest-Earning CEO in America – MaybeMoney

The CEO of Discovery Channel Emerges as the Highest-Earning CEO in America

The CEO of Discovery Channel Emerges as the Highest-Earning CEO in America

A recent survey conducted by executive pay data firm Equilar in collaboration with The Associated Press revealed that 60% of the top 10 highest earning CEOs in the United States are at the helm of media organizations. David Zaslav, the CEO of Discovery Communications, a pay-TV channel provider known for shows like “Shark Week,” topped the list of highest paid CEOs of large American companies. His total earnings skyrocketed to $156.1 million in 2014, marking a more than fourfold increase after he renewed his contract. Les Moonves of CBS remained in the second position, even though his earnings were lower than the previous year. Visit CBS MONEY WATCH for more information.