The Cost of Renting is On the Rise – MaybeMoney

The Cost of Renting is On the Rise

The Cost of Renting is On the Rise

The subject of whether it makes more sense financially to rent or purchase a house is a continually hot topic within the personal finance sphere. Historically, the pendulum has often swung toward renting due to practical reasons and financial benefits. However, this trend might shift.

According to a recent Zillow analysis, rental costs in April witnessed a 4% increase compared to the prior year. This surge represents the most accelerated hike in two years, even surpassing home price growth, which only saw a 3% upwards adjustment.

The burden of rental affordability continues to add up, with no indication of immediate relief. Zillow’s Senior Director of Economic Research, Svenja Gudell, asserted that this situation is not temporary. As she stated, “We will continue to see rental increases, and affordability will worsen before it gets better.”

Since the turn of the millennium, there has been an unwavering rise in rental prices. Unlike home prices, which experienced a significant drop during the housing bubble burst, rents have consistently escalated without a noteworthy downturn, Gudell elaborated.