The First Company in America Valued at $1 Trillion – MaybeMoney

The First Company in America Valued at $1 Trillion

The First Company in America Valued at $1 Trillion

The thriving success of Apple today is well-known, yet, what many people don’t realize is that, merely 18 years ago, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The remarkable transformation of Apple, from nearly bankrupt to highly successful, is largely attributed to the efforts of Steve Jobs and his successor, Tim Cook.

Since assuming the role of CEO from Jobs in August 2011, Tim Cook has managed to exponentially increase Apple’s earnings and profits. The massive increase is mostly credited to the robust sales of the newer models of the iPhone.

To delve deeper into the strategies and products that fuel Apple’s success, head over to CNN Money. Photo credit goes to Beverely Goodwin, sourced from