The Importance of Utilizing Your Network for Job Acquisition – MaybeMoney

The Importance of Utilizing Your Network for Job Acquisition

The Importance of Utilizing Your Network for Job Acquisition

Experts estimate that networking accounts for 60-80% of job acquisitions. The rise of social media has only amplified our potential networking reach, making it an invaluable resource. However, a significant number of young professionals overlook this avenue when seeking employment.

People may be accustomed to online interactions, or conveying thoughts within the confines of short messages, that the art of personal communication is lost. Many, including myself, are often hesitant to ask for help. This hesitancy is traceable to our inherent desire for self-sufficiency. Asking for job advice or leads indirectly expresses vulnerability.

From personal experience, I can confidently state that networking has helped me secure a couple of jobs. It’s vital to remember that it’s perfectly alright to leverage your network to secure work opportunities.


When job hunting, it is important to leverage your entire network – extending this reach to even the most distant of connections. Networking isn’t restricted to professional interactions but extends far beyond. Colleagues, former employers, and past workmates form part of this, but so does every acquaintance.

Your network essentially includes everyone you have interacted with. You never know when a casual interaction may materialize into career advancement.


I remember broadcasting my job loss to every available ear, starting with former employers, colleagues, friends, casual contacts, including my hairdresser and dentist. The idea is to disseminate the message far and wide because you never know the potential reach of someone’s network.


Many people are hesitant to ask for assistance, but here’s an insider’s tip: people generally enjoy helping others. It may be difficult to ask for help, but the reality is that most people derive pleasure assisting others.

Rather than viewing your request as an imposition, consider the satisfaction your potential helper might receive. By asking for assistance, you are inviting someone else the opportunity to extend a helping hand.
