The Lack of Physicians – MaybeMoney

The Lack of Physicians

The Lack of Physicians

The Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, has unintentionally introduced a new challenge – an imbalance of patients and doctors. Recent research by the economic forecasting consultancy IHS, on behalf of the Association of American Medical Colleges, projects a notable shortage of doctors in the coming years. They anticipate that, by 2025, there could be a deficit of between 46,000 and 90,000 physicians, with specialists expected to be in exceptionally high demand. The crux of this issue is a simple question of supply and demand. Our population is expanding, and the number of aging individuals is increasing rapidly, outpacing the rate at which new doctors are entering the field. This situation could inevitably lead to a significant shortfall. Find additional information at CBS Money Watch.