The Ongoing Dispute Over Minimum Wage – MaybeMoney

The Ongoing Dispute Over Minimum Wage

The Ongoing Dispute Over Minimum Wage

The discussion around increase in the minimum wage in the U.S. is still ongoing. Currently, 29 states have set their minimum wage higher than the federal standard of $7.25 per hour. Furthermore, four cities, inclusive of Los Angeles, have amped their minimum wage to $15.

Rebecca Cornick, a grandmother of 61, has been an employee at Wendy’s for close to a decade. She initially started at minimum wage and, after some years, she saw an increase to $9 per hour.

Cornick strongly believes that anyone in full-time employment deserves an income that covers essential living costs like food, shelter, and clothes. She said, “I can’t even do that.”

However, business owner David Sutz sees things differently. He is the owner of four Burger King outlets in New York and points out that, “The reality is most businesses won’t afford to pay $15 an hour and stay operational. Economically, it’s just not feasible in our industry. There’s a ceiling to what people are willing to pay for a hamburger.”

For more information, visit CBS.
Photo credit: SplitShire