The Power-Draining Beast: Air Conditioning – MaybeMoney

The Power-Draining Beast: Air Conditioning

The Power-Draining Beast: Air Conditioning

This summer, we’ve been seeing the highest temperatures ever throughout the country. Cooling our homes without breaking the bank has become a significant challenge. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, utilities take up between 6% to 12% of our earnings, with air conditioning in Corpus Christi and other parts of the nation making up a large chunk of that sum. Although we can’t give up using air conditioning or fans during these hot months, we can be savvy when it comes to power consumption.


The U.S. Department of Energy has disclosed that air conditioning costs Americans more than $22 billion annually. That’s 70% of our electricity bills going to this energy-intensive appliance. But there’s a silver lining: with a little mindful management, websites like can help us lower our kilowatt hour expenditure on AC units.

If you’re not home, switch it off. It’s a common myth that turning off and on your AC makes things worse. In reality, considerable savings can be made on your energy bills by turning off or lowering your AC when you’re out. Surviving a few minutes of the heat till the air kicks in is a small price to pay for long-term savings.

Replace old window units. My parents still have an old AC that often requires a technician’s attention. Despite the upfront cost of a new unit, I’ve been urging them to consider it as a way to reduce their summer electric bill in the long run.

Clean those filters! Overlooking this simple tip can lead to begin surprisingly high bills. Ever since I got my first shocking summer bill receipt, cleaning the filter has been a priority on my to-do list.

Open the windows for a breeze. Unless you have serious allergies, letting in some fresh air during early mornings and evenings can make a significant difference to your expenses.

Fan yourself for savings. Replacing the AC with a fan whenever feasible will reduce your power consumption and hence, the bill.

These easy switches aren’t about coping with the heat but controlling your utility costs, leaving more cash in your wallet and decreasing the chances of falling into debt due to high summer expenses. Do you have any tips to share for minimizing spending on air conditioning?


A question that most homeowners often ask is “What’s AC?” and “What’s HVAC?”. “AC” is simply short for “air conditioning” while “HVAC” stands for “heating, ventilation and air conditioning.”

These terms are generally used in place of each other to describe any heating or cooling appliance in homes. Even if you understand AC and HVAC as essentially the same, it’s good to know your options when it comes to heating and cooling appliances in the market today.


The invention of air conditioning revolutionized our lives in the 20th century. In the early days, ice blocks were used to cool rooms and homes. Today’s advanced AC systems give homeowners a variety of options, from programmable thermostats to various types of devices. Modern AC systems are a far cry from their early ancestors considering the array of choices available to homeowners today.