Three Worthwhile, Safe Workout Programs for Moms – MaybeMoney

Three Worthwhile, Safe Workout Programs for Moms

Three Worthwhile, Safe Workout Programs for Moms

Bouncing back to your pre-pregnancy body can be a challenging endeavor. You’re not only dealing with extra pounds, but also battling fatigue and a potential lack of motivation. After spending the whole day attending to your baby, it’s tough to find the energy to engage in workout sessions during your free time.

I’m now ten months postpartum and just beginning a consistent exercise routine, which hasn’t been easy. There are numerous exercise programs available but most are not particularly “mom-friendly”. If you’re a mom who can commit to a program like P90X, commendable! For the rest of us, here are some budget-friendly exercises designed with moms in mind.

The Baby Wearing Workout: Stumbling upon this site earlier would have been great! As a new mom, I often carried my baby around, inadvertently burning calories. This workout enhances that effect by incorporating exercises that help you lose additional weight and tone your body. The founder’s impressive progress showcases a genuine journey in postnatal weight loss, which is more relatable than genetically blessed fitness goddesses.

Cost Factor: Extremely affordable at $9.95 for a computer download. Site contains samples.

Time Factor: Just 30 minutes, quality time that includes your baby.

T-Tapp Basic: My interest in this workout spiked when I heard about another mom blogger shedding her pregnancy weight using it. The routines are simple, and even though they seem easy, they are indeed challenging! However, maintaining the correct form can be somewhat demanding.

Cost Factor: A bit pricier at $39.95, though preliminary trial videos are available.

Time Factor: Quick sessions of 15-20 minutes.

Fit 2 Be Studios: Many fitness programs disregard the harm resulting from sit-ups and other abdominal exercises for new moms. New mothers often face the problem of separated transverse abdominal muscles, and excessive crunches can worsen this separation, resulting in a protruding belly. Founded by a mom who struggled with abdominal separation, this fitness website offers several abdomen-friendly workouts. The routines are performed in comfortable clothing: in one video, she works out in her pajamas! With Fit 2 Be Studios, you’ll be working out alongside a fit, wholesome mom, not an unattainable fitness model.

Cost Factor: $9.99/month or $99/year, with a complimentary workout offered when you sign up for the newsletter.

Time Factor: A wide range of 10-30 minute sessions.

Embarking on a fitness journey as a new mom is tough. These three accessible and efficient workout programs will assist you in shedding the baby weight. However, it’s pivotal to always consult your doctor before initiating any workout or diet regimen.