Top Five Career Guidance Suggestions for Millennials – MaybeMoney

Top Five Career Guidance Suggestions for Millennials

Top Five Career Guidance Suggestions for Millennials

Upon stepping into the professional world after college, I was taken aback to observe that not all individuals in my generation, the millennials, shared my work ethic. Over the years, my peers have often mentioned that millennials aren’t quite renowned for their diligence at work.

Being born first, it’s my nature to strive for excellence and chase every opportunity to be recognized for my accomplishments by my superiors. Within over a decade since my graduation, I’ve achieved multiple promotions and always been seen as a valuable asset to the company. Additionally, my beginning salary has multiplied more than thrice.

I’d like to share five salient career guidelines that can guide millennials towards achieving success in the workplace.

Your professional demeanor begins from the moment you step in to interview. Being punctual, dressing appropriately, having a confident handshake, preparing for the interview, and furnishing a well-presented resume are some key factors. Retain this professionalism after landing the job – always be on time, avoid casual habits like chewing gum, and steer clear of office rumors.

The initiation of your paycheck begins at the negotiation table. It’s essential to hone your skills in negotiation to maximize your chances of securing a high base salary, as it will determine your future increments and bonuses. Let’s consider that Johnny negotiated for a $100K base salary and Sally, for $90K. With a 3% annual raise, in five years, Johnny will be earning $112.5K and has accumulated $50K more than Sally. Hence, it’s very beneficial to practice negotiation skills early.

Being a hard worker is great, but equally important is maintaining a positive attitude. A friendly behavior and openness to your coworkers’ ideas are important. Avoid the cliche millennial “me-centric” approach and adopt a cooperative stance.

Keep your personal stories out of the office. Professionalism also involves keeping a demarcation between your office relationships and personal life. Sharing light-hearted tales from your weekend is alright, but delineating sensitive matters, such as romantic affairs, must be avoided.

In spite of the stereotype of millennials not focusing enough on their career, it’s crucial to remind oneself to prioritize themselves in the workplace. Always remain professional and respectful at work, but remember that you owe your primary loyalty to yourself. If your organization faces a downfall, layoffs can be imminent and you might be at risk. There’s no harm in exploring better opportunities that align with your professional objectives.

What are the career tips you wish were given to you while entering the workforce? Any particular advice you’d want to share with millennial coworkers in your organization?