Top Savings on Back-to-School Shopping – MaybeMoney

Top Savings on Back-to-School Shopping

Top Savings on Back-to-School Shopping

I understand it’s only the start of August, and it may feel as if we’ve already plunged headfirst into back-to-school shopping, with the festive season appearing not far off, and 2015 just around the corner. Let’s slow down, breathe in deeply and seize every moment as it comes.

Sure, it seems as though summer is passing us by ever so quickly. On the bright side, there are numerous opportunities to capitalize on back-to-school shopping deals – and they’re not just restricted to students! There are multiple ways to make the most out of this shopping season.

Tax-Free Holiday

Several states have introduced a tax-free holiday to encourage parents and families to stock up on supplies. It would be worth checking to see if your state provides this incentive, as well as the date it falls on. Depending on your locality, this could help you save anywhere between 1% to 7.5% or possibly even more. Some states, such as Florida, have increased their savings by raising the limit for tax-exempt clothing and accessories from $75 to $100. Computers priced at up to $750 also join the list of tax-exempt items.

Purchasing a New Computer

If you happen to reside in a state that celebrates a tax-free holiday, seize this opportunity to purchase a new computer. Apple, for instance, has a special back-to-school promotion, and states like Missouri provide up to $3500 as a tax-free exemption.

Office Supplies

It’s not only students who require back-to-school provisions. The season’s deals are also a perfect opportunity for businesses to stock up on office supplies at discounted rates. From stationery and electronics to planners – all of these offer remarkable savings during this period. If you run a small business, now’s the ideal time to check your inventory and invest in supplies for the coming year.

Stocking up on Summer Equipment

Even though we’re in August and stores have started their back-to-school campaigns, those without kids can still make the most of summer and stock up on supplies that can be used for years. Patio tables, BBQ grills, beach and camping equipment all go on sale as retailers make way for autumn stock. One person’s challenge can be another’s advantage. It’s always a good idea to browse online before making a purchase, to ensure you’re getting the best deal.


For those without children, this is a wonderful time to benefit from late-summer travel deals. Airfare and hotel prices typically drop at the start of September, meaning numerous savings on all things travel-related.


Everyone can take advantage of the fantastic back-to-school deals on clothing. All shops participate, and the discounts aren’t limited to children’s wear. Don’t stress over losing those remaining 10 pounds – why not head to the mall and stock up on comfortable clothing that fits perfectly right now.