Trump Assumes Leadership of Miss Universe Pageant – MaybeMoney

Trump Assumes Leadership of Miss Universe Pageant

Trump Assumes Leadership of Miss Universe Pageant

Earlier this year, Donald Trump’s derogatory comments about Mexican immigrants sparked controversy in the Miss Universe Pageant. In response, he proceeded to purchase NBCUniversal’s share of the pageant, gaining full ownership. Trump confirmed the news on Twitter, stating he now owns the entire Miss Universe Organization and has resolved all lawsuits against NBC.

A representative from NBCUniversal attested to this by acknowledging that Trump acquired their stake in the Miss Universe Organization and all legal disputes have been settled.

Given the Miss Universe brand’s waning popularity in numerous Spanish-speaking nations, Trump probably didn’t have to pay a heavy price for his residual share. To illustrate, Miss Mexico withdrew from the current year’s pageant in response to Trump’s comments on immigration.

The next challenge is whether Trump can restore the brand image of Miss Universe. As with many situations involving Trump, it’s important not to dismiss the likelihood of him turning things around to work in his favor.

For more details, visit CBS Money Watch.

Image Credit: ganderson,