Two-Thirds of U.S. Employees Don’t Utilize Parental Leave – MaybeMoney

Two-Thirds of U.S. Employees Don’t Utilize Parental Leave

Two-Thirds of U.S. Employees Don't Utilize Parental Leave

American workers appear to hesitate when it comes to taking a break from their jobs, regardless of an event as significant as welcoming a new child into their lives. A staggering 63% of full-time working parents, according to a recent survey conducted by global financial service provider EY, have opted out of using their paid parental leave. In the case of women, over 77% report their partners as not being eligible for the paid leave.

There is, however, a generational divide observed. The survey has pointed out that millennials, those born between 1981 and 1996, are more predisposed to utilize their paid parental leave. A total of 48% in comparison to 35% of Generation X parents (born between 1965 and 1980) and a mere 24% of baby boomers (birth years noted as 1946 to 1964) made use of this benefit when they had their children.

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Photo credit: Bridget Coila