Understanding the Impact of Student Loans on My Credit Score – MaybeMoney

Understanding the Impact of Student Loans on My Credit Score

Understanding the Impact of Student Loans on My Credit Score

New borrowers and recent college graduates may feel nervous about student loan debt and its effect on their credit score, which is a crucial factor in financial life. It’s essential to understand your score and how it is influenced by student loans. I’m not minimizing the importance of loans; investing in oneself and education is vitally important. However, they need to be handled carefully. Knowledge about finance is empowering. Let’s dig in!

Your credit rating, often known as a FICO score, is a tool lenders use to evaluate your ability to repay debt. The methods used to determine this score may vary, but it’s typically based on your existing debt, payment history, adverse records (like eviction or unpaid bills), your debt-to-income ratio, credit history length, and a few other factors. A higher credit score usually means you can secure more appealing interest rates.

Hard credit inquiries can be viewed negatively by lenders, but borrowers should still compare interest rates to save money over the loan term. Platforms like Achieve Lending allow quick comparison of multiple loan offers in merely 30 seconds without a hard credit check. Depending on the loan amount and the interest rate, even a 1-point difference could save borrowers a hefty sum! That saved money could be invested in a business, retirement account, or a home down payment.

Student loans start impacting your credit score as soon as they are sanctioned. However, once you graduate and begin earning, your credit score and your ability to qualify for new credits like car loans or mortgages could be affected based on your borrowed amount. Having a significant debt with a relatively small income could hamper your chances of obtaining other types of credit, or you might suffer exceedingly high-interest rates.

Finding a suitable student loan is just 30 seconds away at AchieveLending.com!

While student loans are often seen as “good” debt, they still need prudent management. Borrowers should aim always to make timely payments, expedite debt pay off, or use debt consolidation or refinancing to save money.

Your credit history can seem complex and confuse, yet the financial choices you make early on can profoundly shape your financial future post-graduation. You’ve already taken a significant financial step by investing in your education; maintaining a sound credit relationship is another critical step.

Allen Kors is the Founder and CEO of Achieve Lending, a pioneering search engine for education loans. It is designed to assist both traditional and non-traditional students in finding the best student loans. Upon founding Achieve Lending at the young age of 27 after six years in the finance industry, Kors envisioned it to be the ‘Kayak’ of education loans, enlightening users by explaining the loan process and terminologies. Thorough his experience with top-notch financial firms and multiple roles, Kors has grounded an extensive background in finance.

Image Credit: http://nagps.org/