Use These 4 Techniques to Significantly Cut Costs on Halloween Costumes – MaybeMoney

Use These 4 Techniques to Significantly Cut Costs on Halloween Costumes

Use These 4 Techniques to Significantly Cut Costs on Halloween Costumes

Now that fall has officially arrived, our minds naturally gravitate towards the upcoming holiday season. It may seem preposterous considering the weather outside is still warm, but Halloween is imminent. It’s the highlight at present for our children, who are busily contemplating their outfits for the spook-filled celebration. The concern for us parents, however, is the potential cost of these costumes. So, here are four handy hacks that could substantially reduce your Halloween costume expenditures.


Being a budget-conscious household, we’re always on the lookout for saving opportunities, and Halloween costumes are no exception. A first solution is to recycle clothing or items we already possess. This initiative starts with a quick sweep of your home, checking for any potential items that could fit into a costume concept. Don’t skip over your children’s stores of play clothes and accessories stowed away under their beds or in wardrobes — you might hit upon a goldmine.

Once you’ve evaluated your basic inventory, involve the kids in the creative process. What innovative costume ideas can they dream up relying on these resources? Can they use existing items to craft unique costumes without extra spending? If home supplies run tightly, thrift stores like Goodwill or online communities such as Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, or Craigslist, are great platforms to scout for cheap or giveaway items.

Not only will recycling and repurposing help your wallet, but it also provides a lesson in financial literacy for your children, teaching them how every spend counts. When they apply problem-solving skills and devise money-saving ideas for costumes, it’s a win-win situation.


Another effective money-saving strategy is to exchange previous Halloween attire amongst the kids. In a household like ours with five children, this strategy works wonders. Since they are of different ages and sizes, costume swapping proves fair and economical, helping us keep our spending within the line of our normal monthly budget.

Younger children seem to relish sharing, and even older kids adapt this sharing habit, either swapping entire costumes or parts of them. It stimulates their creativity and results in some truly extraordinary costume variations, making for an entertaining experience on our part. The joy of watching them build new costumes while sharing and brainstorming is priceless.


Our Halloween ritual includes frequent visits to local craft stores. Yes, these excursions may cost a bit, but they’re often offset by season discounts and coupons. When paired with sales and deals on essential Halloween items, these discounts can significantly downsize overall spending.

These creative journeys typically serve to find the last-minute additions to costumes. My usual shopping list includes fabric, face makeup, glitter, glue, paint, and pipe-cleaners. Although availability of these items at home might suffice this year, the final costume ideas from the kids will dictate whether a trip to the craft store is in order.


Even after running through the above methods, if the need persists, exploring the clearance section should be your final move. Often featuring generic costumes, it’s occasionally possible to spot a last year’s popular staple that is no longer trendy. The trick here involves convincing your children to adopt these less favorable, yet affordable costumes. This strategy requires considerable persuasive skills, especially if the right size is hard to locate.

In conclusion, Halloween allows for a fantastic display of creativity that doesn’t need to break your wallet. Adopting these strategies— reusing and inventing, costume swapping, tapping into creative forces, and resorting to clearance sections, you’ll be amazed by how little you end up spending for a joyous celebration. With the more significant holidays just around the corner, every penny saved makes a difference, and I’m eager to see how cost-effective our Halloween preparations pan out this year.

What are some of the resourceful methods you’ve discovered for saving money on Halloween costumes?