Vision Beyond the Screen: Managing Computer Vision Syndrome – MaybeMoney

Vision Beyond the Screen: Managing Computer Vision Syndrome

Vision Beyond the Screen: Managing Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a genuine condition that manifests as an array of eye problems, primarily aggravated by prolonged hours of computer usage. Think of CVS as those supervillains teamed up to compromise your visual health. So let’s clearly understand this serious issue and devise strategic solutions to counter it.

Surprisingly, over 90% of computer users are victims of CVS symptoms, many of whom may not even be aware of it. CVS operates like a stealthy foe, lying in wait to strike unexpectedly. Have you noticed severe eyestrain, dryness and light sensitivity after long hours of working on a school project or workplace assignment on the computer? That’s likely CVS. Other symptoms may include red, itchy or burning eyes, blurred vision, accompanied by headaches, shoulder and neck pain. CVS behaves much like repetitive stress injuries, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, i.e., perpetuating the same behavior aggravates the condition. Ceasing the activity usually relieves CVS. But what if your job entails constant computer usage? How can you protect your vision against this silent hazard?

Your optimal defense against CVS implies switching to active mode. Rather than sitting idle waiting for things to unravel, form a proactive strategy to counteract CVS’s harmful effects. Just as you seek stylish sunglasses in the summer, pay equal, if not more, attention to choosing appropriate eyewear to safeguard your vision.

The f.lux app is a valuable tool in your arsenal against CVS. This handy application modulates your computer screen’s brightness and warmth depending on sunrise and sunset. The app brightens your screen with sunrise to harmonize with your surroundings. With sunset, your screen adopts a more eye-friendly reddish tone. Ensure you set your geographical location for accurate sunrise and sunset timings. F.lux is compatible with iOS, Windows, Linux and Mac systems. Android users may opt for the Twilight app.

Consider tweaking your computer system’s default settings to better suit your needs. Optimize parameters such as contrast, brightness, font size and color modes.

Ensure you position your computer screen to avoid glare. If windows are causing the glare, consider using curtains, blinds or a window diffuser. Your screen should ideally be placed sideways to the window, adjusting as necessary until glare is minimized. Consider dimming or reducing lighting power if it’s too bright. It’s also worth considering purchasing warmer colored overhead lighting or using a lamp.

FOLLOW THE “20-20-20” RULE
This simple rule recommends that after every 20 minutes of screen time, you should look away to something that’s 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Just maintain professionalism while doing so!

Ensure your screen is 20-28 inches away from your face and is preferably positioned below eye level, ideally 15-20 degrees below, which roughly equates to 4-5 inches.

Ensure consistency in implementing these practices for continued relief from CVS. Do keep in mind that CVS, unlike other conditions, does not have a specific treatment as it’s primarily symptomatic; its alleviation depends primarily on good eye care practices and ergonomically optimized workspaces.