Ways to Cut Costs on Your Relocation – MaybeMoney

Ways to Cut Costs on Your Relocation

Ways to Cut Costs on Your Relocation

Living in a shack for over a year, there’s impending change on the horizon for my husband and me; we’re preparing to move. This marks our third move in as many years, and we’re optimistic that it will also be our last for a considerable while. Each transition has deepened my resolve to never move again without enlisting professional movers. However, reality quickly set in when we realized the cost. Even the most affordable services provided by decent auto movers in Orlando were no less than $300. I tried to rationalize the expense, but we soon learned that every cent we had would be needed to cover the deposit, first month, and last month’s rent. The prospect of having to splurge on movers was quickly abandoned. New strategies had to be sought in order to relocate at the cheapest price possible.

Here are some cost-effective strategies we learned to implement:

1. Sourcing Free Boxes: In lieu of purchasing boxes, I discovered that numerous companies discard boxes from their mailing or shipping departments. By befriending the mail crew, I’ve been able to accumulate a steady flow of boxes. The dumpsters behind TJ Maxx are a goldmine for boxes too, and when in doubt, Craigslist offers free boxes. Although there are those who might attempt to sell boxes, if you plan ahead, you should be able to obtain them for free.

2. Enlisting Friends: My husband’s affiliation with the fire department has proven beneficial. His colleagues, a group of strong, capable men, have been willing to assist with the move. Even though enlisting friends could possibly strain friendships, remember that they would likely reciprocate the favor. To make the process easier, ensure everything is packed before they arrive, and leave the hefty responsibilities like moving beds and furniture to them while the lighter tasks can be handled by others.

3. Delaying Move-In Date: A considerate landlord who allows us to start moving items into the new house prior to the official beginning of our lease term has helped ease our transition. This privilege enables us to gradually move our belongings without having to pay double rent.

4. Utilizing Large Vehicles: Borrowed vehicles, like my father’s truck and my husband’s truck, will be used to transport boxed items. We’ll reserve a 17-foot U-Haul truck rental for larger items, making sure that the pricey rented vehicles carry the heaviest items to limit the number of trips and associated mileage costs.

5. Declaring Moving as an Expense: Lastly, if you’re relocating due to a job change, your moving expenses may qualify as a tax deduction. Check the tax code to confirm your eligibility.

Stay focused and intentional to ensure a smooth, cost-friendly move.