Ways to Finance Your Ideal Honeymoon – MaybeMoney

Ways to Finance Your Ideal Honeymoon

Ways to Finance Your Ideal Honeymoon

While organizing a wedding tends to be a joyous adventure rather than a stressful ordeal, planning your perfect honeymoon could be the proverbial cherry on the cake. This is a unique occasion to commemorate your marriage and spend intimate time with your newly wedded partner, devoid of concerns regarding invitations, outfits, seat decorations or centerpieces. It’s purely about the two of you relishing a romantic backdrop and savoring each other’s company.

With the financial stress weddings can impose, honeymoons frequently become a secondary thought. Considering the average honeymoon was priced at $5,000 for a 6-day 7-night stay, it’s likely that a decadent honeymoon may not be financially feasible following the cost of a wedding.

However, there’s no need to abandon your ideal honeymoon just yet. By meticulously planning an exceptional wedding and subsequent honeymoon, you can have it all. Here’s your guide.

While wedding gifts can evoke sentiment, they are not obligatory. If you’re planning a traditional wedding with numerous invitees, consider requesting your guests to contribute to your honeymoon fund rather than bringing a physical gift.

People frequently offer cash as wedding presents but imagine the financial relief if all attendees followed suit. It would undoubtably alleviate the financial burden related to flights, accommodation, meals, activities, etc. for your trip.

After sending the wedding invitations, people will likely inquire about your gift registry. Indicate your preferred honeymoon destination and express how crucial it is to you. Instead of a regular gift, ask them to contribute to your honeymoon fund. Provide a PayPal link for donations, or alternatively, they can extend their donation during the wedding ceremony.

An additional advantage: lesser items to transport home post-wedding!

Another viable option is to trim some wedding costs, allowing for more budget allocation towards an extraordinary honeymoon.

There are numerous potential areas to save. Discuss with your partner and determine your collective priorities for the big day. Can you reduce flower arrangements? What dining experience suits you best? Is a designer wedding dress pivotal? How about a wedding planner? And have you considered an all-inclusive venue?

Identify the most vital aspects and allocate your budget accordingly. Save on less significant areas and do so in a classy manner. My friend, who attended my wedding, believed it cost $20,000 and was astounded to learn it was below $10,000.

By simply shifting our wedding to a Sunday and excluding an open bar, we saved thousands. These modifications can be all you need to afford your dream honeymoon.

Most people won’t notice the discrepancies, yet you still want to spend judiciously to ensure a quality experience. However, ultimately, it’s about your and your partner’s preferences as it’s your special day.

Take these tips into account for the honeymoon of your dreams!

If you have reward-based credit cards, you may convert your points or cashback to fund your honeymoon. This was the method my husband and I deployed, doing so very intentionally. Shortly after becoming engaged and booking a wedding date, we each opened two specific reward cards.

One card was partnered with an airline and the other was connected to a hotel and resort company. Both offered sign-on bonuses, qualifying us for bonus points after spending a certain amount within a few months of owning the card.

We primarily used the cards for wedding costs and daily expenses, always paying the full balance monthly. Soon after, we were eligible for the reward bonuses and utilized them to book a week-long, all-inclusive honeymoon in Jamaica. The total cost for flights, accommodation, plus taxes and fees was merely $400.

With an all-inclusive resort, our stay, meals, beverages (including alcohol), and certain resort amenities and recreational activities were included.

Our credit card rewards enabled a fantastic, cost-friendly trip. However, this approach isn’t for everyone. If your credit score is poor or you have previous credit card debt or difficulty controlling spending, this process is not recommended.

Avoid falling into credit card debt by sticking strictly to what you can afford.

Alternatively, postponing your dream honeymoon is a realistic means to afford it. Rushing off right after your wedding may be appealing, yet it’s not mandatory.

More and more couples are choosing a ‘later-moon’. This is when your honeymoon is delayed for a few months or even a year, allowing you sufficient time to save for the trip, which can be planned for your first anniversary.

While waiting may not seem enticing, it’s a pragmatic way to ensure you can afford your exotic destination. Ensure that you continue to actively plan and save so you don’t miss out on your honeymoon altogether.

Consider options such as Airbnb for accommodation to save costs, exclude major airlines, or travel in the off-peak season if your schedule is flexible.

Don’t let financial constraints hinder you from having a fantastic honeymoon. Begin planning early, and utilize the suggested strategies to make your dream honeymoon a reality.

What measures are you taking to afford your dream honeymoon? What is your desired destination?