What are Effective Strategies to Find Affordable Summer Camps? – MaybeMoney

What are Effective Strategies to Find Affordable Summer Camps?

What are Effective Strategies to Find Affordable Summer Camps?

Summer is already knocking on the door, ready to shower its warmth and joy, with children eagerly anticipating the break from school. However, for parents, the prospect of summer translates subtly differently as they grapple with figuring out how to engage their children while they navigate their professional commitments. This makes summer camps a handy solution for them!

While these camps provide a valuable experience for children, they can also be a bit heavy on the pocket. Hence, the trick becomes finding budget-friendly summer camps that don’t break the bank.

Firstly, you should consider the duration of the camp your child needs to attend based on your work schedule. For some parents, such as myself, this varies from year to year. In the past, post-divorce, I arranged for my children to alternate week-long summer camps with stay-at-home periods. I found that roping in family, grandparents in my case, to look after the children in those intermediate weeks not only allowed me to manage my work hours effectively but also fostered a deep bond among them. If you require childcare throughout summer, this could be a great option. Summer camps can be made affordable, but nothing beats free, especially when it includes quality family time for your children.

Next, consider your weekly income against the cost of the camp. If it turns out too expensive, and you can manage a few days off work, why not? If not, you might still be eligible for financial aid, which can offer significant relief.

Many summer camps provide scholarships for parents that can make a significant difference. In my experience, city or county-funded summer camp programs frequently have scholarship options available based on need. I utilized three such programs including Raleigh Parks and Rec, YMCA, and the NC Museum of Natural Sciences Summer Camps to reduce camp costs.

All three programs have scholarship options. So, if you identify a camp that’s beyond your budget but might greatly benefit your child, don’t hesitate in trying for a scholarship. To illustrate, with scholarships, I managed to reduce my camp expenses from $60-$75 a week per child to just $10 at Raleigh Parks and Rec, and from $222 to $17 at YMCA. Though the NC Museum was pricier at $225-$275, I only ended up paying $60 thanks to the scholarship.

The museum camp has longer hours too, making it suitable for parents who need to work a full day. I also qualify for scholarship programs as part of a non-married, blended family.

When scholarships don’t cover enough, I turn to Groupon, where summer camps often list at much-reduced rates. A smart strategy for parents with multiple children is to negotiate a group discount at the Groupon rate, which can work out significantly cheaper.

Camp offers children not just a fun place to kill time during the summer, but also an opportunity for new learning experiences and friendships. It allows me to focus on work while also knowing my children are engaging in a meaningful activity, all within my budget’s constraints.

Some strategies to employ for affordable summer camps include exploring city and county programs, inquiring about scholarships, and checking Groupon. These tactics can yield good returns in finding budget-friendly summer camps ensuring your wallet sighs in relief while your children immerse in a rewarding experience.

What strategies have you found effective in finding budget-friendly quality summer camps? Share your experiences below!