What is the Actual Amount of Life Insurance You Truly Need? – MaybeMoney

What is the Actual Amount of Life Insurance You Truly Need?

What is the Actual Amount of Life Insurance You Truly Need?

If you don’t own substantial amounts of wealth or high-value assets, it’s likely you’ll need life insurance to financially secure your loved ones. How much life insurance you require, however, is a critical question to answer. The first step towards obtaining suitable insurance is determining the necessary coverage. Selecting an arbitrary coverage amount is not advisable, as it’s crucial to discern your insurable need which reveals the suitable coverage extent. Many people are either inadequately or excessively insured, making it vital to consider a few factors while evaluating your life insurance requirement.

Do you have dependents? The necessity of life insurance varies widely depending on whether you’re single or have a family to provide for. Your dependents count on your financial support, which would be lost if you were to pass away, making a substantial life insurance benefit invaluable. If you’re a working couple with mutual financial responsibilities, this should figure into your coverage calculation.

How financially indebted are you? Most people dislike debt and certainly wouldn’t want to burden their family with it. Life insurance can safeguard against this, providing coverage enough to settle major debts. Take into consideration your home mortgage, student loans, or other financial liabilities when calculating your required life insurance coverage.

What is your current income level? Your family is likely accustomed to a lifestyle maintained by your income, implying that a higher income might necessitate more extensive life insurance. A general rule suggests that one should have life insurance equal to 7 to 10 times their annual income. However, other factors, such as expenses and potential future costs, should be considered alongside this estimate.

How much are your monthly expenses? Review your budget to understand what costs life insurance could help your family to manage. Non-flexible expenses such as rent, mortgage payments, bills, children’s extracurricular activities, medical and dental care insurance premiums, and future ambitions should be considered.

Are you a stay-at-home parent? Stay-at-home parents significantly contribute to the household, even though they don’t have a typical income. Consider the high cost of outsourcing tasks such as childcare, housekeeping, meals, laundry services, conveying the potential risk your family faces if a stay-at-home parent is uninsured or under-insured.

To determine your life insurance needs, consider your answer to the aforementioned queries. Begin by tallying up your expenses, liabilities, and projected future expenditures. Following this, compare the total to your annual income to assess if your coverage needs adjusting.

Once the necessary coverage amount is figured out, the next step involves deciding the period of coverage. Affordable and easily obtainable term life insurance is a great choice, with companies like Bestow offering coverage of up to $1 million at reasonable rates. Free online quotes provide easy access into comfortably locking in an affordable coverage amount.

In conclusion, even a small life insurance coverage is more beneficial than none at all. With term life insurance, you have the flexibility to pick a short-term policy and add more coverage upon expiration. By answering the above questions, you should be able to accurately determine your insurable need.