What Were the Top Six Investment Choices in 2013? – MaybeMoney

What Were the Top Six Investment Choices in 2013?

What Were the Top Six Investment Choices in 2013?

Investors are always on the hunt for promising investments that will yield substantial returns. The intelligent investor develops a unique methodology for finding the most lucrative investment opportunities. In 2013, the best investment opportunities lie within developing markets and cutting-edge industries.

Image via Flickr by Engineering for Change
Renewable energy is increasingly attracting the attention of the federal government, but its projects in this sector have a slower pace. Financial news reports are urging investors to pump their fund into private energy firms. Companies at the forefront of solar and wind energy research have been marked as profitable investments for 2013.

With a continually expanding society, the demand for commercial and residential properties is on the rise. CNN reports that new home construction in 2012 was almost 30% higher than in 2011. It appears the economy is bouncing back from the 2008 recession, increasing the appetite for new residences and businesses. This makes real estate a stable investment for 2013.

The value of gold and silver have continually climbed over the past decade, a rise that was further fueled by the financial crisis. With the stability of the European economy still in flux, there’s a surge in investments into tangible assets as a means of wealth preservation. Due to their popularity, gold and silver stand as savvy investment strategies for 2013.

Despite their recent challenges, the Chinese and Japanese economies are showing undeniable signs of growth. China, in particular, is presenting attractive returns on foreign investments. The global wave of economy integration has made investing in burgeoning overseas markets a hot ticket item for 2013.

According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, 15,084 oil wells were drilled domestically in 2010. While the chase for renewable energy persists, the urgency for domestic oil discovery and refinement increases. In 2013, wise investments will be channeled into firms innovating in oil refinement techniques and novel oil drilling claims.

As the global economy grapples with instability, blue-chip stocks maintain their value. Expect these stocks to surge value once the world economies recuperate. Investing in blue-chip stocks like Wal-Mart could be a shrewd move in 2013, as their value is bound to rise eventually.

The financial world is fraught with uncertainty, leaving many investors unsure about where to place their bets. However, keeping an eye out on financial trends in 2013 can unearth numerous profitable investment opportunities.