When Do Tenants Typically Start Looking for a New Home? – MaybeMoney

When Do Tenants Typically Start Looking for a New Home?

When Do Tenants Typically Start Looking for a New Home?

Home seekers might have unique preferences when hunting for a new property, but they all seem to agree on the peak time to investigate properties and schedule viewings. According to recent studies, weekends, especially Saturdays, are the preferred time for property tours. An impressive 82% of respondents favored Saturday viewings, 72% chose Sundays, and 50% opted for weekday evenings.

However, weekday mornings and afternoons are not popular, with only 20% of the surveyed people finding these times suitable. The study also revealed a pattern regarding the peak time to contact about a property. About a third of the inquiries usually occur outside business hours, typically between 8 am and midnight.

Interestingly, Monday and Tuesday lunch hours mark the peak interest among home seekers, as many utilize this break to plan viewings. A representative from Total Landlord Insurance noted, “The quick manner in which potential tenants organize viewings requires landlords to be ready to adapt their schedules when a property gets listed. This research provides valuable insights into the habits of a specific demographic, hinting at helpful strategies for landlords and rental agents to consider.”

Today, many landlords strive to stay responsive, ensuring an immediate reply to emails or calls. The spokesperson added, “Weekends are the prime time for property inquiries and scheduling viewings. That’s why plenty of landlords now embrace the concept of hosting an ‘open house’. Such events allow a larger number of potential tenants to inspect the property, expanding the landlord’s options. Plus, properties often appear more appealing in natural daylight.”

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