When Should You Consider Refinancing Your Mortgage? – MaybeMoney

When Should You Consider Refinancing Your Mortgage?

When Should You Consider Refinancing Your Mortgage?

Deciding to refinance a mortgage is a major choice homeowners need to make. It may look appealing, with a flood of ads guaranteeing lower interest rates and more affordable mortgage payments, but refinancing isn’t always ideal for everyone. The commonly suggested approach is to refinance when interest rates decrease by a full point, but it’s not that straightforward.

Much like making the big step to buy a new house, deciding to refinance your mortgage isn’t a decision to take lightly, it calls for thorough research and consideration. Borrowers’ circumstances vary, along with their budgets, so a drop in interest rates by a full point or more doesn’t necessarily mean that refinancing is feasible for you.

So when should you consider refinancing your mortgage? Let’s examine the variables you should reflect on, and the questions you should ask yourself, to make a well-informed decision.

Start by figuring out your plans for your home. How long do you intend to live in it? Three more years, ten years, or indefinitely? This decision plays a crucial part in deciding whether to refinance, as it may not make sense to pursue this step if you only plan to live in your current home for a few more years.

While the future is unpredictable, try contemplating where you’ll be in the coming years. For instance, if you’re currently living in a one-bedroom condo, but plan to have kids and move into a more spacious house, you may want to think twice about refinancing.

Before you add more closing costs, which can run into thousands of dollars just to save a few bucks a month at this point, consider your long-term plans and goals. Ensure that the reasons you want to refinance your mortgage align well with your future objectives.

Different circumstances may lead to the decision to refinance, such as:
– Wanting to cash out some equity to consolidate other debt.
– A desire to renovate or expand your home.
– In search of a better interest rate with smaller payments.
– Pursuing a shorter term with larger payments to clear the mortgage faster.

Before signing the refinancing agreement, ensure that the reasons are valid and not just for a cut in payments.

Whether your mortgage is on a fixed rate, adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), or a balloon, it indicates if refinancing is a suitable option for you.

If you own a fixed-rate mortgage and bought your home when rates were historically low, particularly if you plan to inhabit your “forever home”, certainly consider the long-term savings of refinancing. If your mortgage is currently on an adjustable rate or balloon, then you should definitely explore if refinancing would be beneficial.

Be aware of any prepayment penalty in your mortgage note, as it may affect your decision to refinance.

Weighing Your Options and Potential Downsides

If you’re aiming to get a better rate for faster house pay-off, consider if you can pay more towards your principal, especially when interest rates are only marginally lower than your present rate.

Refinancing is not just an easy escape from a high-cost mortgage. Each time you get a new mortgage, whether through a new purchase or a refinance, additional closing costs are heaped onto your loan amount. Keep in mind that adding these costs in the long run matters, as they will be paid off when clearing your mortgage or selling your home.

Ability to Refinance
Before applying for refinancing, evaluate your eligibility for a new mortgage. Consider factors like your employment stability, on-time payment of bills, your credit score’s status and whether your home would pass an appraisal inspection.

Loan-to-Value Ratio
Once your home’s appraised value is established, you can compute your loan-to-value ratio (LTV). This percentage impacts the interest rate you qualify for and determines whether your new loan requires mortgage insurance.

There are numerous critical factors to evaluate when considering refinancing. If you’re still uncertain about whether to refinance, try seeking advice from seasoned mortgage brokers who can assist you in determining the optimal time to refinance.