When Your Income Isn’t Sufficing – MaybeMoney

When Your Income Isn’t Sufficing

When Your Income Isn't Sufficing

Almost everyone experiences financial hardship at various points in their life. You might feel like you’re constantly on the go with your job, but your paycheck still doesn’t stretch quite far enough. For some, this could be due to an unexpected job loss or demotion, while others might be recent graduates just trying to climb up that relentless corporate ladder.

No matter the cause, it’s challenging not to become disheartened and pessimistic when it seems like you’re caught in a vicious cycle of living from paycheck to paycheck, with no respite in sight. I can relate, because I’ve been in your shoes. For anyone seeking some encouragement, here’s my best advice:

Reframe difficult times as temporary seasons
View your current financial struggle as a particular season of life. Every season, no matter how long or harsh, eventually comes to an end. Trust that your financial situation will improve if you persist in your efforts and fulfill your responsibilities. Over time, your loans will decrease, debts will be cleared, and you’ll transition from paying off past dues to earning and saving money. So persevere, keep your eyes on the prize, and never lose hope.

Prioritize working intelligently over working excessively
Perhaps you’re juggling three jobs and putting in 80-hour work weeks, only to be left exhausted. The key is to find ways to work more intelligently rather than more strenuously. Ensure you’re making optimal use of your available resources. As a college graduate, I was working seven days a week, spread across four jobs. Eventually, I eliminated the less profitable gigs and zeroed in on the higher paying ones.

Set achievable goals
If your only goal is to earn more money, it’s likely you’ll experience dissatisfaction until you reach that point. Instead, try to appreciate the journey, no matter how difficult. Set small, achievable short-term goals, allowing you to celebrate regular accomplishments along your financial journey.

Concentrate on finding a solution
If the mountain of bills and scarce money is still overwhelming, focus on identifying solutions to mitigate your problem. Do you need to increase your income? Reduce your spending? Could you temporarily live with family? Maybe you could sublet a room in return for housekeeping? Often, we get so engrossed in our problems that we fail to see feasible remedies. Rather than dwelling on your predicament, direct your energy to devising a solution.

Most crucially, understand that everyone encounters rough patches in their lives. Rest assured, if you continue to work diligently, your income will undoubtedly increase.