Whole Foods Often Committed Pricing “Errors” – MaybeMoney

Whole Foods Often Committed Pricing “Errors”

Whole Foods Often Committed Pricing

Whole Foods’ Co-CEOs, Walter Robb and John Mackey, recently issued an apology via a YouTube video for pricing errors experienced by their customers. Mackey stressed that these errors weren’t deliberate, and promised to augment training in their stores across the county to prevent similar incidents in the future. In fact, if customers find themselves overcharged, the company is committed to offering the item involved at no cost.

Earlier last week, New York City’s Department of Consumer Affairs disclosed its intent to escalate its investigation after uncovering consistent overcharging in the city’s Whole Foods stores. Examples include charging $14.84 for a pack of coconut shrimp and $4.85 for eight pieces of chicken tenders. For further details, visit CBS Money Watch.

Photo credit: Mike Mozart