Why You Should Think About Adopting a Flexible Career: 3 Key Points – MaybeMoney

Why You Should Think About Adopting a Flexible Career: 3 Key Points

Why You Should Think About Adopting a Flexible Career: 3 Key Points

Perhaps I’m facing a mid-life conundrum, but I frequently contemplate changing my career path. Don’t misunderstand me – I have a deep affection for aerospace engineering. It’s an intriguing and demanding field, and I’ve participated in some remarkable projects. However, it has also posed some considerable challenges. If given a chance to go back and choose again, I’d prefer a profession offering greater flexibility. Here’s why I recommend you should consider the same:

Though being an aerospace engineer pays quite well (which I appreciate, considering my student loans), the opportunities for earning additional income are limited in this field. If I had to choose today, I’d select a career that offers flexibility around working extra hours for extra pay. For instance, registered nurses can earn more by working additional shifts. According to indeed.com, their average annual salary stands around $66,000, which is decent – particularly if you can pick extra shifts for additional income!
It’s not all about financial gain, though. Given a choice, I’d like the option of being a stay-at-home mother, but our substantial student loan debts make it impossible. Were I a stay-at-home mom today, I’d still need to secure an income. A more flexible career path could have allowed me to work part-time, aligning more with my preferences.
Yes, teaching might not be the most lucrative profession, but it can be leveraged as a side hustle, offering tutoring services. If you’re in marketing, you might possess the skill set to do freelance graphic design. Accountants can offer budget preparation or tax services on the side. Unfortunately, I am yet to encounter someone in need of freelance rocket design!
Bear in mind that many employers have policies regarding secondary jobs, so you’ll need to verify this with your Human Resources department. Typically, your company would want to sanction any additional employment, viewing certain side jobs as potential competition.
A major drawback of an aerospace engineer is the geographical limitation; not being able to secure a job in every state or city. Since my spouse is in a similar line of work, our location options are restricted, making it difficult to live near our families. As we both work in related fields, finding new job opportunities often resembles solving a complex puzzle. It would certainly be easier if one of us was in a profession, like accounting, which isn’t tied to a specific location.
In retrospect, I’m happy I chose engineering as my career. I’ve found it fulfilling and possess a treasure trove of fascinating tales for my future grandchildren. It’s vital to follow your heart and passion but remember to look for ways to supplement your income from your passion. Extra points if your career offers geographical flexibility!