Work-Life Disbalance is Induced by Inefficient Leadership – MaybeMoney

Work-Life Disbalance is Induced by Inefficient Leadership

Work-Life Disbalance is Induced by Inefficient Leadership

If you’ve been tuning into TV recently, it’s likely that you’ve come across an advert where children implore their parents to enjoy “one more day” off from their work. A little girl emphasizes, “these are paid vacation days!”. For me, this commercial sends a clear message about the widespread struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Interestingly, while many people claim to enjoy a relatively solid work-life balance, a staggering 89% deem it crucial that their employers or clients refrain from contacting them beyond office hours, as per a recent study conducted by the project-management systems creator, Workfront.

Alarmingly, it is revealed that work has skewed the equilibrium to the point that, for half of the respondents, it has encroached upon their personal time with friends and family, causing them to skip momentous occasions like weddings and birthdays.

For a deeper investigation into this work-life imbalance exacerbated by mismanaging bosses, head over to CNN Money.

Photo credits: adesigna