You Can Save Money Through Insurance Dividends – MaybeMoney

You Can Save Money Through Insurance Dividends

You Can Save Money Through Insurance Dividends

We all grasp the necessity of insurance on a cognitive level, recognizing the disastrous outcomes that may occur if we experience a loss without adequate coverage. Many of us scour the internet for economical insurance quotes, aiming to get top value for our money. However, there’s an omnipresent sentiment that our insurance premiums are merely vanishing into thin air, devoid of any tangible returns.

Did you know there’s a way your insurance policy can reciprocate your investment? By selecting a suitable policy, you could receive an annual dividend used as you wish. Now, what is an insurance dividend? It’s an annual payment returned to the policyholder by the insurance company, viewed by the IRS as a partial premium refund. Thus, it’s exempt from income tax.

Who is eligible for this, and how does it operate? You must buy a ‘participating’ policy from a ‘mutual’ insurance company to qualify for a dividend. Once you become a policyholder, you have the option to utilize your dividends in four ways –
1. Opt for a cash dividend
2. Utilize it to partially pay your annual premium
3. Employ the dividend to acquire additional, paid-up insurance
4. Allow your dividend to accrue interest. However, note that choosing this route will make the interest liable to income tax, necessitating a 1099 form at the fiscal year-end.

How does the insurance company decide on your dividend amount? There’s no pre-set percentage or amount for dividends. Insurance companies determine this independently by deducting operational costs, contingencies, and contractual obligations from their earnings. The leftover amount, known as a divisible surplus, is then equally distributed among policyholders with a participating policy. The standard concepts of dividend yield and payout ratio, typically applied to stock companies, bear no relevance here.

However, dividends are not a guarantee. It’s an unlikely, yet possible, scenario for an insurance company to have a year with no remaining divisible surplus, resulting in no dividends for that year. Still, reputed firms have consistently rewarded dividends annually for numerous consecutive years.

Investing in an insurance policy from a mutual company that pays dividends can alleviate your out-of-pocket expenses, offering a sense of tangible returns on your premiums. Affordable insurance quotes are easily searchable online, enabling you to find top-notch coverage options and optimal dividend provisions.