Zuckerberg Criticized for Multi-Billion Dollar Philanthropic Proposal – MaybeMoney

Zuckerberg Criticized for Multi-Billion Dollar Philanthropic Proposal

Zuckerberg Criticized for Multi-Billion Dollar Philanthropic Proposal

Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has recently been under scrutiny due to his choice to donate a significant portion of his wealth to charities. Alongside his wife, Priscilla Chan, Zuckerberg has vowed to contribute 99% of their Facebook shares throughout their lifetime to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Currently, these shares are estimated to be worth approximately $45 billion. The couple stated that the purpose of their initiative is to “foster human potential and encourage equality in sectors like health, education, scientific research and energy,” as stated on its Facebook page. However, despite initially receiving a wave of positive media attention, Zuckerberg’s motives and the allocation of the donated money have been met with skepticism by some critics. For more on this story, visit CBS MONEY WATCH.

Image credit: Olichel